Light against Starfire's bright green ones. Once discovered, she fought Starfire one-on-one and used her lilac eye-beams in conjunction with those of See-more and Dr. She again appears as non-speaking cameos in " The Titans Show" where she was among the dozens of villains who had watched the Titans' and their ridiculous antics from afar. Butt" where she and Starfire were destroying the Tamaranian guards with their green and purple laser eye beams. In the " Bottle Episode," she is seen in a flashback of "Mr. She is then seen drinking chocolate milk with the rest. In the third episode " I'm the Sauce," she makes non-speaking cameo appearances alongside many other villains to play Seven Up. In " Yearbook Madness ," she is seen in the yearbook as a cheerleader with her trademark scowl. She fell exhausted and unconscious from Starfire's endless onslaught, but Starfire assured the others that they "had worked things out." The resentment resulted in Starfire engaging in a full-scale assault on her older sister, even destroying the doll that Blackfire returns to her in the process. The other Titans later trained her to become a better older sister after this, however, by the time Blackfire became nice and more sisterly, Starfire was too filled with animosity towards her. Then Blackfire tricks Starfire into dressing up like her to be "twinsies", but instead, gets her arrested to serve out her sentence instead.

Starfire brings Blackfire in, and tells the other Titans of her visit, much to their objection. Butt ", she escaped prison and visited Starfire at Titans Tower, saying that her only intent was that she just wanted to see her baby sister. At some point later in her life on Tamaran, Blackfire got arrested and got sent to galactic jail for unknown crimes against the galaxy.īlackfire dresses her little sister up to look just like her so they can be "twinsies."īlackfire badly hurt and exhausted from her little sister's vengeful onslaught. When Starfire was five, Blackfire stole her favorite doll from her and although, Starfire always has been nice to Blackfire, Blackfire remained cold-hearted. Blackfire was always mean to Starfire her whole life, even back when they were little kids.