The law protects people with physical, mental, and developmental disabilities as well as others with serious health problems (42 U.S.C. We call this type of help a reasonable accommodation. “Do you have any physical, mental, or emotional conditions that make it hard for you to apply for benefits or meet program requirements? We can give extra help.
#California snap application registration
Work registration options: English Espanol Para assistencia en español llame (530) 224-4879 o (530) 335-6701.ĬalFresh Outreach Toolkit provides outreach materials for community partners interested in increasing CalFresh participation.Īble-Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWD) definition: English Espanol

Benefits are issued on an Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card that can be used at most grocery stores and farmers' markets. CalFreshĬalFresh (formerly Food Stamps), also known as SNAP, is a federal nutrition program that helps people with low or no income purchase healthy food. Hay informes de una estafa de EBT con el fin de robar beneficios. Para cualquier pregunta respecto a su tarjeta EBT, por favor llame al (877) 328-9677 o llame al (877) 652-0731.

Si usted tiene tarjeta EBT y recibe un mensaje de texto, una llamada o un correo electrónico pidiéndole su número de tarjeta, su PIN, o cualquier información personal, NO responda. For any questions regarding your EBT card, please call (877) 328-9677 or call the CSC at (877) 652-0731. There are reports of an EBT scam and attempts to steal benefits. If you are an EBT cardholder and receive a text, call or email asking for your card number, PIN or any personal info, do NOT provide it. The Customer Service Center (1-87) for CalFresh, Medi-Cal and CalWORKs has resumed normal operations. Downtown Redding (Sacramento St) : Open.